lunedì 12 gennaio 2009

Il Naturalista premiato ai Castelli animati

"Il Naturalista" e' stato premiato come miglior film realizzato da studenti italiani nel 2008. Un'interessante recensione dell'evento di Heather Kenyon e' disponibile su questo link:

"The Naturalist" has been awarded in one of the most important italian animation film context, "I Castelli Animati" (held in Genzano, Rome, in november), in the category italian school films.
A nice description of the event by Heather Kenyon is available at:

Questo e' il brano dell'articolo che ci riguarda:
This is the bit of the article about us:
"The Naturalist by Giulia Barbera, Gianluca lo Presti, Federico Parodi and Michele Tozzi from Turin’s Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia took the award for Best Italian School Film. In any competition this film would be in the running. The timing is brilliant and the story very well told of a nature lover who perhaps loves nature a little too much. What I really like about this film is that it is funny and light, but also has a purpose and greater meaning, a combination not frequently found in student works."

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